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It has been my mission to teach women and men about making Lifestyle changes that have long-lasting effects these past ten years. Customizing nutrition and fitness programs tailored to each individual's needs provides them with a unique and personable experience. I coach from a place of no "body" is the same and no one diet works for everyone. If you're ready to have the focus put on your individual needs, you've come to the right place. 


My first book, Take Back Your Life One Relationship at a Time, is like having me in your home. This book aims to provide you with information on how to start making easy lifestyle changes.

Removing the Mask is a short story based on some of the difficult parts of my past. Finding the silver lining in life isn't always easy, but it's always there when you look for it. ​

Click on the pictures below to learn more.

Take Back Your Life One Relationship at a Time is a book for anyone who is ready to begin making positive lifestyle changes in one or many areas of their life. Amazon Bestselling Author, Barbara Ann Bruno, explores personal relationships, spiritual relationships, career, nutrition and much more with you in this motivational and inspirational guide. Through your own personal experience, you will learn the importance of balancing your relationship with food and your own relationships. Barbara talks about her life-changing journey to help inspire you, then she gives you suggestions throughout the book on how to begin making yours.You'll find suggestions on how to:- Keep the romance going in your life- Start intimate conversations with your partner- Make positive changes in your life on a weekly basis- Deconstruct your food cravings- Make your work environment work for you AND in the basics of good food, you'll find some delicious recipes! Use this book to take back your life wherever you need it most whenever you're ready to begin.

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Removing the Mask is an inspiring short story about self-discovery. "We all wear masks. Once we remove them we are free to be our authentic selves." Join Amazon Bestselling Author, Barbara Ann Bruno, in her journey as she unveils details of her past in which family love and support helped her through some of her darkest moments. Her story gives the reader courage and strength in times of adversity to forge forward and find life's many wonderful possibilities..

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